Dig Deep
Charlotte Reeves Bowman
December 2003
Logarithms - the power of fixed numbers.
Dig Deep
There are wells beneath
your smile and self-righteousness.
The wounds have become sonorous,
tickling the present and
making you laugh at the past.
Dig Deep my friend...
Let the skeletons do their somersaults
in front of your psyche starry vault.
This cavity is deep enough for them to find a resting place.
The past is absolute,
it is your emotional logarithm.
The numerical foundation of your yesterdays,
the beginning equation of you!
Dig Deep
Just remember that your reaction could square
the pain..... or it could negate it.
The dirt beneath your ancient feet
may bless you or curse you.
Power lies in the soles of your Feet,
and in the methodical rhythm of your
hands as they
Dig Deep my friend.
Memorize the beginning of your equation.
proceed with the desire to experience the present
as it isnot as the equation suggests.
The future is an independent variable
that inverses the past away from pain
and unto healing.
So my friend, Dig Deep
Spread ashes of love, remorse and forgiveness
over the blessed burial ground of your past.
The beginning is a logarithm,
but the future remains hidden in the winters harsh soil
like a bulb of hope.waiting for you to rediscover its purpose.
To bloom in your thawing heart.