
Photography Art Rants Poetry

Friday, January 13, 2006

Self Portrait CRB 2006

Publicity about Spelldown, novel by Karon Luddy

Karon Luddy (my MOM) has a gift for words.
"It's the most awesome thing--I mean besides having children and grandchildren and getting married to my husband," she laughs, "I can't even tell you how great it's been." Karon's living the literary fairytale, having signed a contract last May with Simon & Schuster for her first published novel. "It's such a privilege to be a writer and just to love to do what I do." The young adult novel titled Spelldown is scheduled for release in early 2007. Her protagonist, 13-year-old Karlene Kaye Bridges lives in the fictional town of Red Clover, SC. "She's very unusual, unique, fiery, passionate," Karon says, describing her with the same love she does for all of her characters. "Being a novelist, you really live in two different worlds and when you're really into the writing of it, it's almost like your regular life gets in the way sometimes," she says, "but it's a really rich life."

Clown Face in Red

Art by Charlotte Bowman

Monday, January 09, 2006

Photo By CRBowman '06

The Boss....this photo sums up my beautiful daughters warrior spirit! Bless you Genevieve Elise....I hope the world is ready.